Model Rules

Open Knowledge Australia is an incorporated not for profit foundation [PENDING APPROVAL].

The following documents provide the foundation by which the model rules of Open Knowledge Australia are guided

  • Open Knowledge Australia Code of Conduct:
  • Open Knowledge (International) Open Definition:

Our stated model rules are thus:

  1. “Open Knowledge Australia” aka “OKFNau” aka “Open Knowledge Australasia” aka “Open Knowledge Oz”
  2. Our stated purpose: “Open Knowledge Australia is dedicated to promoting the creation, sharing and application of Open Knowledge in the Digital Age”
  3. Qualifications for becoming an Open Knowledge member (aka Ambassador, Adviser, Board member): No formal qualification required. However, new members must be recommended by existing members.
  4. Open Knowledge Australia is free to join; however joining assumes you are going to volunteer as an Ambassador, Advisor or Board Member.  All work done as a member of Open Knowledge Australia should be licensed openly as defined by Open Knowledge’s definition:
  5. Please see our Code of Conduct policy for expectations on how all members should conduct themselves:
  6. Members (Ambassadors, Advisers, Board members) may resign at anytime by notifying the board’s chair and secretaries, members are asked to recommend and introduce their replacement prior to resigning.
  7. The procedure for asking members to resign will be conducted by the board chairs in private, if their is disagreement by the chairs the board will be presented with the case and asked to vote.  Members are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct and associated policies.  Members may be requested to modify their behaviour or leave an event in the case of serious breaches of the Open Knowledge Australia code of conduct policy:
  8. Grievances and disputes should be submitted to the board chairs and/or secretaries. A majority board vote may be used to make a decision by the chairman.
  9. The board members for Open Knowledge Australia are responsible for the risk associated with members putting on events, providing advice and other activities officially labelled and approved as “Open Knowledge” events taking place in Australia.  The chairman of the board is shadowed by two co-chairs; supported by a secretariat.  The chairman, co-chairs and secretariat make up the executive for Open Knowledge Australia.  The board consists of the executive and additional board members who help the executive make decisions and monitor for the executive for code-of-conduct.  All members of Open Knowledge Australia are listed on our governance pages:
  10. The board has the right to make the following decisions:
    1. majority vote for the election or appointment of new members, including Ambassadors, Advisers and Board Members.
    2. majority vote for the term of office a member may hold.
    3. majority vote on the grounds by which a member is dismissed.
    4. majority vote for filling member vacancies.
    5. majority vote for procedure of meetings.
    6. majority vote for the removal of the secretariat.
    7. majority vote for the removal of the executive.
    8. majority vote for the removal of a member.
    9. majority vote for new rules and/or amendment of rules.
    10. majority vote for rescinding rules.
  11. Board members may vote via proxy if they notify the executive prior to the board meeting that they will provide a proxy.
  12. Board members may not vote after the vote has been taken and agreed upon.
  13. A video recording of the board meetings will be published online including any notes/minutes of the meeting.
  14. The custody of records, securities and other relevant document of Open Knowledge Australia will be curated by the Executive Board and Board Secretariat.
    1. The secretariat will manage funds and make payments.
    2. The secretariat has the right to ask for a board vote prior to making payment.
    3. The board may create a working group and chair for that working group who may have access to funds based on board approval.
  15. The logo of Open Knowledge Australia should be used by approved members.  All relevant media queries and/or use of Open Knowledge content or branding should be sent through to the secretariat for circulation to the board.
  16. All documents and information related to Open Knowledge Australia should be licensed and published openly as defined by the Open Definition:
  17. All board meetings will be video recorded, minuted and published online.
  18. Board meetings will be announced online, preferably a month in advance.
  19. The board will pursue funding through government and industry grants, endowment and organisational donation.
  20. The disposition of any surplus assets on the winding up or dissolution of Open Knowledge Australia will first pass to the board, then to the international Open Knowledge foundation board.