Comments on: Rufus Pollock takes Sydney by storm! A local group of the Open Knowledge Thu, 07 Jul 2016 11:09:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: simonfj Mon, 02 Sep 2013 02:17:59 +0000 Many thanks for the report Anne,

Just listening to the recording. Thanx(!!!!) for that too. Just one practical thing, cause I’m tryin so hard to figure out how we might get the marketin happening across the OKFN platform and social networks and country chapters. Could yu put a link to the LI OKFNgroup off the chapters page ( ? It would help as i use LinkedIn for threadin between conversations. E.g.

How do you link from this page to the LI au group?

Nice to hear the talk. I was a bit surprised to see Rufus use the ‘Credit Mobilier’ scandal. There are just so many modern illustrations which prove that the robber baron days continue. He obviously doesn’t read alternative finance media blogs. e.g.

“Knowledge is power”, like all old sayings, is a truth to a degree. 10 years of workin in the finance industry taught me the average person has no power without someway of gathering isolated citizens to reform corrupt or incompentent institutions. Most people think the US Federal Reserve is the equivilent of Australia’s Reserve bank, and not a private association of National banks. Many people might “know” how global banks have worked their way around the Glass Steagall legislation, and how it inevitably led to the last financial crisis, and the one we will have over the next 12 months. But they can do nothing about preventing it.

So far as the OKFN is concerned. It offers a lot of hope as it brings together most of the professions who only speak to their converted. Still missin the”open Network” guys though, although I can just imagine your discussions with Adrian. In my Australian perspectivethe strating point begins here. as it does in each country – a Log On to some combination of network services/(real time) collaborative tools – which are hosted at some group’s node, with either a .gov or .edu (publically funded) domain name. And public servants, and common citizens, share. Warning!! Culture Shock.

The concept is not much different than the HuNI, where ” one of more researchers start searchin at the HuNI data… ” (like most other orgs/projects). The main difference is that it starts at Stage 1, and not stage 4.

There are a few other projects in Oz that will have an interest. I said to Michael Kearney I’d get back to him a few weeks ago. But I wanted to see who put their hand up as OKFN Ambassadors. Congrats to you and Matthew. All the best.
